Thursday, April 8, 2010

Family Competition!!!

Last month my siblings and I decided to have a little friendly competition to see who can lose the most weight in 90 day! Everyone put 10 bones in the pot to make it a little more motivating. So I started dieting and working out on march 26th at the time I weighed 225 lbs. and now as of today I am 217 lbs. I'm pretty proud of myself and hope I can keep it up and get healthy. I'm trying to stay motivated so I put up old pictures of myself, when I looked good, so hopefully they help. Wish me luck!

Getting Sealed!!!!

Hartley and I were sealed December 29th 2009 in the Washington D.C. Temple. It was an amazing day. I'm so proud of us for making it to the temple.We had to work really hard but we met our goal. We were able to do an endowment session right before going up to the sixth floor to be sealed for time and all eternity. Yay! I cried of course it was such a beautiful moment. Looking across the alter at the love of my life and thinking about our long future together was such a good feeling. I'm so happy that I was lucky enough to find such a wonderful man to share the rest of eternity with. I love Hartley so much and I'm so grateful that will be together forever.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Birthday Gift!!!

Hartley's parents sent us a package this week for our birthday's. I love getting stuff in the mail. Anyways we got cool shirts, a map of Italy, His mom made me a scarf (which I just love), a miniature nativity scene, and this cook book which is so cool. I highly recommend finding this book and using it. Oh and notice the angel in the corner of the nativity scene so cute! Oh the red and blue bowl Lillian gave me for my birthday and the one with the fruit I got for my birthday last year from Hartley's mom. I love them to there so pretty!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Birthday Dinner!!!

We went to dinner at Makado's, its a sushi place where Jackie works. Its was way good. Since Jackie new the Sushi chef they gave us a little suprise. Anyways it was really awesome.

Happy Valentines Day!

I had to work today but it wasn't bad. When I got home Hartley gave me pink roses and chocolate good. Hartley made stakes and we had a really nice dinner here at home. It was an awesome day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

We went to watch my brother Ty play basketball a couple weeks ago. It was really fun to see him all grown up and playing basketball like a pro. So he's the one that a head taller then everyone number 14. He's in 7th grade and he's 5'9, I know lucky, and he's a way cool kid!!!

Sweet Margie!!!!

I have the sweetest client. So everyone knows I do hair and I love it, most days. I've been doing Margie's hair for about 6 months now. She followed me from my old job and I'm so glad she did. Margie is 75 years old, lost her husband about three years ago, only has step children, and had a stoke about 9 months ago. We have really good conversations and she always has the scoop on what's going on with news, celebrities, and politics. The last couple times she's come in she has brought me cookies, or flowers. So cute. I really appreciate it. So I did her hair today and she brought me flower's and a card for Valentine's day! I was so excited about it. I love her to death she's the sweetest little old lady. I'm so grateful that I'm able to spend 2 hour's with her every month and make her day. She's the best!